
Nintendo’s “bit Generations” Emphasize Portable Style & Minimalism

Japanese developers continue to understand the importance of simplicity in portable game titles, even when most American developers don’t. This explains why a series like Nintendo’s “bit Generations” can go completely unmentioned in North America. At least we have Kotaku‘s Brian Ashcroft to tell us everything cool that happens in the east. From the news piece:

This past Saturday, Nintendo put its “art games” on display in Tokyo. Sixty Game Boy Micros were set up in Shibuya Parco’s basement, demoing new “Bit Generations” titles. Simple puzzle games rich in color and sound, the games included Dotstream, Boundish, Dialhex, Coloris, Digidrive and Orbital.

According to Kotaku, these games are set for release in Japan before the end of the year. And what about the rest of the world? When will I be able to get my hands on stateside releases? So desperate was I to know more about these titles that I used Babelfish to translate a Famitsu article on the topic. Even in splotchy english, some of these titles still sound tasty. My favorites are Orbital — “Controlling the track of the planet with gravity… It makes the outer space represent.” — and DigiDrive — “the action puzzle game which designates traffic control as motif.”

Between these titles and Drill Dozer, the GBA might be in the midst of a revival. Huzzah for non-franchised titles and innovation! ^_^

Nintendo’s 60 Game Boy Micro Demo In Shibuya from Kotaku.

Official bit Generations Press Release via Kotaku.

Famitsu article on bit Generations via Kotaku.

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