
An E3 Digest

My most recent travels around Ireland happened to last the entirety of this year’s Electronics Entertainment Expo, which meant that instead of camping in front of a computer, constantly reloading Joystiq to see what happened next at Sony’s “big conference,” I was actually doing something. It was quite nice.

E3‘s always a mess of game-related data, which one has to sort through in order to find the important bits. Here’s what I’ve found to be the cream of the crop.

Lumines is making its way to the 360 via Xbox Live Arcade.

Sony’s Playstation 3 is SKU’ing, too (at $499 and $599).

On a similar note, the PS3 controller is an awful lot like the PS2/PS1’s, except with hastily-implemented gyroscopics and no rumble.

Nintendo’s Wii starts out strong, and apparently won’t break the bank, either. (Edit: Okay, it definitely won’t – sweet)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is going to be awesome.

Finally, Greg Costikyan sums up (mostly) everything that’s wrong with E3:

Here’s my E3 fantasy for a Manifesto Games booth: bare concrete floor. Metal folding chairs. Bare tables with computers on them running games. Signs saying things like: “Gameplay Over Glitz” and “Pardon Our Appearance, We Spend Our Money on Games, Not Bullshit” and “No Booth Babes Here, Move Along.”

Bless his grumpy soul.

More travels ahead. Berlin, Dresden, and Prague, before returning to the States. I’m tired.

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