Last week was a busy one for me over at Escapist Magazine. Not only did my latest game get published, but my first feature column for the site did as well. I’m pleased with both (thought admittedly more excited about the game).
Now available to play is You Have to Lock the Entry!, my Wikipedia-themed card game. It’s a riff on the free encyclopedia’s “edit wars,” and the act of locking down controversial articles. It’s one of my favorite games so far — not just in designing, but in playing as well. Surprisingly, the internet makes for good non-digital game inspiration…
Also up is my feature article, Simplified Systems: Why 2008 May be the Year of the Board Games. I had a little help on this one, with input from Eric Zimmerman, Brenda Brathwaite, and Frank Lantz (Frank’s comments on the topic sadly got cut due to length; sorry, Frank).